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by Institute for Global Dialogue


Designing a Sustainable Development Model for Youth Empowerment

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon was also visiting Nigeria while I was there. Our paths crossed at the lobby of my hotel, where he waved in my direction and I returned his kind gesture.

“Nigeria occupies a central place in the family of nations. As I visit, Nigeria also happens to be serving as President of the Security Council for the Month of August. This is yet another reminder of the weight of the regional and global responsibilities you bear.” “The universal framework will have to be tailored to national circumstances to live up to its promise to be an agenda “of the people, for the people, and by the people” that leaves no one behind,” said Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General during his visit in Nigeria. Source: premiumtimesng.com

His message and kind gesture served as a gentle reminder of my role in this very important dialogue. The opportunity to speak on such a pressing issue is one that I recognize that my voice must serve as a “platform for action” and “transcend as a vehicle” for education, empowerment and transformation. My presentation at the 2015 Nigeria Diaspora Day Conference was titled “Designing a Sustainable Development Model for Youth Empowerment” in Nigeria.

Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lilian-o-ajayi/designing-a-sustainable-d_b_8164042.html 

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