by Institute for Global Dialogue
YFI co-ordinator Rita Natalia Narayan reported that two workshops have recently been completed in Savusavu for the Northern Division participants and at Deuba for the youth leaders in the Central, Western and Eastern divisions.
Ms Narayan said the workshops targeted high school students, school leavers and University students.
The training curriculum includes civic leadership and parliamentary democratic processes.
Participants are taught through illustrative lectures, case studies and group discussions.
They also participate in creative educational dance / drama on themes of Integrity.
She said the training workshop supported the work being undertaken by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the
Youth Parliament initiative and in its capacity building program on civic leadership.
“As part of the CFLI funding, we have produced a tool kit on transparency, accountability and anti corruption,” Ms Narayan said.
“Youths are also taught YouTube film editing and production techniques so they can develop their own narratives on integrity.”
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