Mr. Ashraf Patel
Mr. Ashraf Patel is research associate at IGD specialising in areas of digital economy, trade and development justice in the global south, ST & Innovation, and 4IR and the future of work. He is a graduate on the Masters in Management (MM) Public Policy Development and Regulation Management (ICT PRM) from the Graduate School of Public and Development Management (P&DM), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has had extensive experience and working knowledge in southern Africa for over 18 years As a founder member of the Learning Information Network and Knowledge Centre (LINK) at Wits University, and program officer at a regional foundation, as well as consulting experience. He has worked extensively in the labour movement and developed the DITSELA labour institute course on Knowledge Economy, 4IR and Workplace, and is currently co editing the publication – 4IR and the Future of Work in South Africa (forthcoming UNISA Press, 2023).