by Francis A Kornegay Jnr and Arina Muresan
by Francis A Kornegay Jnr and Arina Muresan
This policy brief is an exercise to explore how foreign policy and national security organs could be restructured for more robust debate on strategic statecraft. While these ideas would need to be legislated into existence, which in itself could be a lengthy process, this would provide the opportunity for multiparty inputs that could be a defining moment in coming to terms with the post-apartheid South African nation-building and developmental project.
Taking a specific look at the foreign policy context, this briefing theorises on a Council on International Relations and Cooperation (CIRC) by building on the South African Council on International Relations (SACOIR) project.
This brief was originally published by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) as part of a series complementing the edited volume on ‘Values, Interests and Power: South Africa’s foreign policy in uncertain times’, by Professor Daniel D Bradlow and Elizabeth Sidiropoulos and published by Pretoria University Law Press
Download the policy brief here