Home|Environmental Diplomacy|In The News|Column: Climate change conference finally promising
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by Jessica Suriano


Climate change conference finally promising

According to the Los Angeles Times, Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, said 183 countries have submitted proposals of intent to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These 183 countries account for approximately 95 percent of global emissions, making this year’s conference the most promising of its kind in terms of its probability of success.

Some skepticism remains about the degree of significance any resulting outcomes will make in the larger picture of climate change, however.

It has been widely agreed by environmental scientists around the world that preventing the absolute worst consequences of climate change would only be a reality if the temperature does not rise more than 2 degrees Celsius from the pre-Industrial Revolution era, according to Independent news.

Unfortunately, the proposals submitted by the 183 countries forecast a 2.7-3.5 degree rise in temperature, at best, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Despite the dilemma regarding the two-degree threshold, there still remains hope for this conference.

For one, this will be the first occasion China has joined the other countries in pledging to meet reduced emission goals. With one of the largest populations residing in this country, as well as being one of the most industrialized, the effects of China’s cooperation could add a significant difference to the overall amount of reduced emissions.
Another reason this conference has higher chances of success is because of its timeliness. This conference will be commencing at the end of what is predicted to be the hottest year in recorded history, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Available at: http://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/article/2015/12/column-climate-change-conference-finally-promising 

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