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by Institute for Global Dialogue


Africa Clinches Mega Development Prospects

The PIDA Week, 13 to 17 November, is the first of its kind since it was endorsed by African heads of state in 2012 and it brings together partners in infrastructure in different areas including energy, ICT and cross-border infrastructure aimed at measuring progress in implementation on the developing continent.

A decision to turn the PIDA week into an annual event on Africa’s development calendar would help in preparing and formulating measures to be undertaken by African heads of state and governments where high-level political decisions could be fast-tracked to implement PIDA projects.

And an example of a PIDA regional infrastructural project is the 1028km Abidjan – Lagos corridor linking countries such as Ghana, Togo and Benin. The objective of this project is to not only improve roads but to promote trade and ease the customs and data reporting and dissemination.

According to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, Nepad, PIDA will help formulate measures that need to be addressed by African Heads of State and Government, including policy decisions necessary for tackling barriers hindering infrastructure development.

PIDA is a brain-child of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) owing to what officials at the PIDA week attributed to delays in development across the African continent.

Available at: http://allafrica.com/stories/201511191100.html 

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