by Institute for Global Dialogue
The target includes a significant increase in the use of renewable energies. A master plan for the energy economy is also being prepared. It includes an examination of an alternative to the intensive development of nuclear energy use, in order to ensure a variety of energy sources and a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
Every country is obligated to present their national target for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. In Israel the proposal is that in 2030, 78 million tons of gas will be emitted annually, as compared to 72 million in 2005. This is a far more moderate increase than anticipated in a “business as usual” scenario (without government intervention), and therefore many additional steps must be taken to reduce emissions.
According to the recommendation, there should be various methods of saving and streamlining to reduce electricity consumption 18 percent by the target year, compared to the consumption anticipated according to “business as usual.” There is also a recommendation to set a target for producing electricity from renewable energies (sun and wind) that will make up at least 15 percent of electricity consumption in 2025, and at least 22 percent by 2030. At present renewable energies supply less that 2 percent of Israel’s electricity production.
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