Home|South-South Cooperation|South-South Cooperation in the News|Pragmatism in South- South Cooperation: An insight on Cuba-Brazil “Mais Médicos” Cooperation Programme

by Institute for Global Dialogue


by Institute for Global Dialogue


Pragmatism in South South Cooperation

SSC it is not a recent phenomenon: in most cases, the role of supplier countries it is not new, rather it goes back to the 50s and 60s when emerging independent states sought to develop an alternative to the Bretton Woods system. While trends of SSC flows have tend to varied over time, depending on the country, there´s been a common trait of supply takeoff since the 90s, and countries like Cuba, Brazil and China since the 80’s.

Framed in the context of the last decades, international relations have experienced significant changes, evidenced through processes such as the transnationalization of institutions, as well as the need to deepen bilateral relations between states as a palliative against the limitations imposed by multilateralism over trade[1]. And so, SSC has sought to emphasize both the regional and particular characteristics of each one of its member as emerging countries in search of a differential positioning in the international arena, but at the same time place them as relevant actors operating on it.

So with this in mind, this type of cooperation main components are financial, technical and economic assistant, which constitutes a non-conventional supply, differentiating it from that offered by traditional North-South Cooperation (NSC) -subventions and loan concession – as it would be the Government-Sponsored Investment (GSI) from China, and the Agreements for Energy Supply (ASE for its acronym in Spanish) in Latin America. Also, SSC it’s characterized by the fact that provider countries base their supply on comparatives advantages, and that’s why there’s a geographical distribution based on the specialization of each provider country and the need to cover from the claimant country. In general, it presents a social oriented profile, but it’s also considered as an instrument of states foreign policy as a way to strength a positive image, focused on regional or global background

Available: http://www.iapss.org/2015/05/05/pragmatism-in-south-south-cooperation-an-insight-on-cuba-brazil-mais-medicos-cooperation-programme/ 

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