by Institute for Global Dialogue
by Institute for Global Dialogue
“Ministry of Trade will develop business networks and promote Indonesia’s strategic products to AACC participants,” said Director General of International Trade Cooperation Bachrul Chairi in a press statement on Friday (4/10).
The Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of AAC will be attended by almost all the Heads of States in Asia and Africa. Ministry of Trade is taking this opportunity to increase business cooperation, trade, and investment. According to Mr. Chairi, one of a series of AAC summit meetings is the Asia-Africa Business Summit (AABS) to be held in April 21 – 22, 2015 in Jakarta.
“There are four important issues in AABS namely, infrastructure, trade, agribusiness, as well as maritime and marine. The meeting is planned to be officially opened by the Indonesian President Joko Widodo, then Minister of Trade, Mr. Gobel, will deliver a presentation on strategies and plans of Indonesia’s non-oil export target which is set at 300 percent,” said Mr. Chairi. A number of heads of state and ministers are also planned to be speakers in this event.
Mr. Chairi believes this momentum is not only beneficial to develop network and expand the business partners, but also to introduce Indonesia’s potentials with promoting various strategic industrial products. A number of state-owned enterprises products to be introduced are aircrafts (PT. Dirgantara), armored personnel carriers (PT. Pindad), dock ships (PT. Kodja Bahari), solar power (PT. LEN Industry), and fire trucks (PT. New Sentosa).