by Institute for Global Dialogue
The College of Human Sciences (CHS) in collaboration with the Archie Mafeje Research Institute for Applied Social Policy (AMRI), the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) and the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute (TMALI) will host a one-week long Summer School on Decoloniality with a focus on Power, Knowledge and Identity.
His Excellency the former President of South Africa, Mr Thabo Mbeki who is well-known for his ‘I am an African Speech’ and a leading advocate of African Renaissance, will deliver the opening address.
The lectures and discussions will be delivered and facilitated by the following leading international decolonial thinkers and theorists: Professor Ramon Grosfoguel (University of California, Berkeley), Professor Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Rutgers University), Professor Kwame Nimako (University of Amsterdam), Professor Tiffany Patterson (Vandelvitt University) as well as Professor Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (University of South Africa).
This Summer School takes place at a crucial time characterized by an epistemic break in which the dominant Euro-North American-centric epistemology is experiencing a terminal crisis. This epistemic crisis is opening the way for the rise of epistemologies from the Global South, bringing in a new interpretation of the human experience. What is poignantly emerging is the shifting of the geography and biography of knowledge resulting in the privileging of the Global South archive and other subjugated knowledges.
The Summer School will deal with the following pertinent issues among many others:
- Modernity, Eurocentrism and coloniality
- Epistemic racism/patriarchy/sexism
- Zone of being/zone of non-being
- Knowledge and power
- Coloniality of being and subjectivity
- Development, nationalism and decolonization
- African archive and library
- African intellectual traditions
- Africa and the modern world
- Decolonizing the university
- How was the modern world constituted?
- Who is producing knowledge?
- What institutions and disciplines legitimize it?
- What is knowledge for and who benefits from it?
- How is our social existence colonized?
- How do we think about decolonizing Being?
- What power hierarchies constitute the cartography of power of the global political- economy we live in and how do we go about decolonizing the world?
The Summer School is targeted at scholars – graduate students and academics – from South Africa and the rest of the African continent. Admission to the Summer School is a on first come, first served basis.
Registered participants will receive reading material and final program in preparation for the seminars, a month in advance. Classes will be conducted over ten days. These are lecture-
intensive seminars in which participants engage in critical discussion and reflection. Guest lecturers will be available at stipulated times (outside lecture hours) to consult with participants on their research. Spaces for self-organized workshops and discussions will also be created.
Registration & Fees
Prospective participants will be expected to complete a registration form that must be submitted to by no later than 28 November 2014.
Please note that the Summer School is capped at 100 participants. Hence, participants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Upon submission of the completed registration forms, participants will be liable to pay a fee of R8000.00. This fee is inclusive of tuition and lunch for the duration of the Summer School (i.e. 12-23 January 2015 excluding the weekend).
Please note that the fees are payable by 10 December 2014. Banking details where the fee must be deposited are contained in the Registration Form.
Please note that participants are responsible for reserving their own accommodation for the duration of the Summer School. Participants are advised to secure their accommodation well in advance of the commencement of the Summer School.
A shuttle service will be available at scheduled times in the day to certain venues without cost. Outside of these times, participants will be expected to make their own transport arrangements should they need to leave campus.
12-23 January 2014 | University of South Africa