by Institute for Global Dialogue
by Institute for Global Dialogue
Mr Nene told an internal auditors’ conference that investors not only looked at “one event” in a country but at the “broader picture” of future economic growth and development plans.
“Investors have stayed in the country … and they have worked with government and civil society to find solutions,” he said, with particular reference to mining companies.
Earlier this year South Africa experienced a five-month strike at platinum mines — the longest ever. The strike was the main reason the economy contracted by 0.6% in the first quarter.
There was also a wage strike in the steel and engineering sectors, which dented confidence levels.
Mr Nene said South Africa’s economy would grow faster in coming years with support coming from an acceleration in the implementation of the National Development Plan — the country’s growth and development framework.
South Africa’s weak economic growth had put revenue collection under pressure, although Mr Nene said government would stick to the spending ceilings put in place to avoid over expenditure.