by Safpi
by Safpi
The Fourteenth Annual General Meeting and Conference of the SADC Lawyers’ Association was held from 2 – 3 August, 2013 at the Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe, Malawi under the theme of “Constitution-Making and Constitutionalism in the SADC Region: Opportunity or Illusion for Justice, Peace and Shared Values?”The Right Honourable Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Mr. Khumbo Hastings Kachali, officially opened the Annual General Meeting and Conference, and the keynote address was delivered by His Excellency, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, former President of the Republic of South Africa.The Annual General Meeting and Conference was attended by Judges, Law Society and Bar Leaders, Legal practitioners, Government Officials, and representatives from regional and national Civil Society Organizations.