by Institute for Global Dialogue
This is the report of an independent evaluation conducted by the Evaluation Office of the United National Development Programme (UNDP) in 2012. The evaluation assesses the performance of UNDP support to South-South and triangular cooperation from 2008 to 2011. The evaluation found that UNDP has strong comparative advantage in supporting and facilitating South-South cooperation (SSC) and triangular cooperation (TrC) and enjoys high demand from partners for its facilitating role. UNDP’s policy frameworks and statements of intent are aligned with the key principles for SSC embodied in the Buenos Aires and Nairobi Outcome Documents. UNDP support for SSC related institutional work has led to preliminary results in at least three areas: capacity development of country-level international cooperation agencies and South-South mechanisms; support to research or advocacy on the strategic and policy dimensions of SSC; and support to thematic centres in selected countries. UNDP brokering of South-South knowledge exchanges, which constitutes one of the most common ways of UNDP support to SSC, has produced immediate term benefits for participants, which could evolve into longer-term benefits. Click here for the full report